Friday, December 4, 2015

Working and practicing...

So mylife has changed a lot in the last month. I went back to work in October, full time, working for region 2 south.  I am the assistant regional healthcare coordinator, and we do emergency planning for healthcare in Wayne, Washtenaw and Monroe. It's a wonderful job, otherwise I would never have considered working full time.

It's quite an adjustment and if feel like I have no time lol. Physically I am doing ok, the Lyme is under control, but my c reactive protein is back up in the 20's which of course keeps me tired and sore. Overall things are good though, its really nice to be back out in the workforce.  It also keeps my mind off the holiday season without mom and Bill.

Being back out among people reminds me of why I don't ever put my morals and beliefs out in social media. First of all, lets be honest, no one really cares unless they agree with you. The ones who disagree want nothing more than to make you see why they are right. It is far easier to keep things to myself, unless asked. And even then I may not share. I really need to manage my stress level and arguing or explaining or defending beliefs just drains me.  I really am an outgoing extrovert. Its why I have so few real friends. I think I am happy with that through, I don't feel the need to have a bunch of people who know me well.

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