Saturday, December 5, 2015

Time Traveling

I went shopping with Willow today, we went to Sam's club and then Southland mall and into a hugely packed Bath and Body Works, after swapping on and off waiting in line I got my turn to go smell the new scented hand sanitizers that I like to carry with me.  Today I found one called Honolulu Sun.  One whiff and it transported me back in time.  I can't stop smelling it because it reminds me of being a child in summer and going to Sterling State Park with my parents.  Every time I smell it I get a flash of sun and sand and my mom putting on the Tropicana suntan oil in that brown bottle.

What I wouldn't give to be that child again, I still miss her so much, I love the flashes of the past that remind me of her. When I close my eyes and inhale that scent I can remember being there, the blankets laid on the sand with the cooler on the edge where the wind was to hold it down.   The concession buildings nearby with the cool stone floors covered with water and sand.  We would always try and get a nice spot near there because of the bathrooms.

My skin would be hot from the sun and a little tight from all the swimming and lake water.  She would be laying in the sun, or walking with us to the concession stand to get us cotton candy and she would smell so good from the suntan lotion and heat and sun.  She would lay in the sun and sleep or read, yelling at us when we would come running over and get drips of cold water on her. She always loved the sun and sand.  Those are wonderful memories, I am so glad a smell can transport me back there, even on a wet winter day,


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