Monday, May 18, 2015

It's a lifestyle not a diet.

I have been struggling for a while to get back on track with my eating.  Now that the Lyme induced IBS is gone I can eat everything I used to eat (starches and gluten) and I have been going crazy.  I know it is terrible for me but after 4 years without I really went bonkers.  It was almost back to the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet), drinking pop, eating candy and fast food and not cooking enough of my meals. Needless to say this means I can't lose the weight I gained with the Lyme treatment.

A couple of days ago I watched the Documentary "Fed Up" on netflix and even though it was about kids, it struck home.  I am a sugar addict.  To deal with this in the past I always gone cold turkey with the sugar and carbs - enduring the 7-14 day detox with headaches and nausea and terrible cravings.  This time I am just not up for that - especially since it hasn't worked very much in the past, I alwasy end up back where I was given the opportunity.  it's my lifestyle and choice that I need to change.  So I have decided to slowly change one thing.  To me this means that periodically I will eliminate one bad thing from my diet and daily I will say no to one bad thing each day.

For the first week my one thing to go completely off is empty sugar, no more candy or pop for me, if I want something sweet I made some paleo granola bars.  They are sweet and very filling..  My daily thing I did today was not stop for breakfast at McDonald's on my way to dog training.  Instead I took an Arbonne protein bar and some water with me and I ate that on the way home.  Then I had some yummy leftovers for lunch.

Yesterday my one thing different was to spend a few hours in the kitchen making healthy lunches for the kids, paleo granola bars, some egg and chicken salads, and some chicken soup for dinner.  I took my tablet and watched TV while I worked. it feels good to be moving back to healthy eating without depriving myself because I haven't missed the candy or pop and I didn't miss the fast food breakfast either.  And I saved some money as well.  Can't beat that.  The Arbonne bars are going to become a staple in my purse to keep me from getting too hungry and eating crap food when I am out.

I do still eat ice cream occasionally, everyone needs one vice :)  of course eventually I will go back to making my own again to control what is in it and lower the sugar content.  That will be a change I make later on in this journey. I am always going to be a sugar addict, it's like
any other addiction.  But I will be moderating what I eat for a healthier lifestyle, Not zero sugar but a lot less than I eat now.

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