Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Ups and Downs

Today marks a little over 2 weeks of treatment.  Overall I am feeling slowly better.  I still have a lot of annoying things, tinnitus, weird heart rhythms, mood swings, memory and word issues, fatigue, transient aches and pains, but it is closer to how I felt pre-antibiotic and the arthritis is markedly better.  I guess its going to be a long slow road back to real health but after 8.5 years I can't expect much more.

I fell on some ice on Wednesday and bruised up or tore something in my right hand.  X-rays say it's not broken but it is black and blue and still swollen.  I am keeping it wrapped because every time I unwrap it I hurt it again even just doing dumb little things.  The doc said I only needed to wrap it for a few days but I am guessing he underestimated the damage I did.  So it stays wrapped until it is no longer black and blue and I can use it more normally.

Other than that, life is pretty much the normal day to day, we are dealing with the usual slow-downs for house buying, surveys, current renters, work that needs to be done etc.  We are still hoping to be in by May but I am getting a little worried that is an optimistic goal.  I guess it is better that I do not have to move right now, I can use the time to heal.  Spring is making me anxious to be able to at least get in and start fixing things up and have a house of my very own to keep for the rest of our lives.  Its very exciting to know I won't have to do this whole moving thing again.  I am going to de-junk again as I pack, making a list of things to get rid of already.

My Mom's friend Liz is getting ready to move to Texas to be with her family.  It's one of those sad but happy all at the same time things.  She was a big part of my moms life for the last several years and pretty much a part of the family even after my mom was gone. We will miss her dearly but she promises to come back often to visit, so there is that.  Life is so different without our 2 moms and Bill, the grief never really goes away, it just sort of sits at the back and ambushes you in your day to day life.  I still can't listen to music without crying or being sad.  The consolation is that my grief means their lives won't be forgotten, and as time goes I will be able to just remember without crying though I will always miss them and have this big hole in my life where they used to be.

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