Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lyme Treatment - One Month In

Its been a month since I started the antibiotics for Lyme disease.  I saw my doctor yesterday and he said things were going as expected.  The good news is the arthritis is better, as are my eyes.  I was able to ditch the prism lenses and go back to my normal reading/computer glasses.  I have been feeling better but not progressing any more with the remaining arthirits pain and general weakness.   My HS-CRP is 19 (very high, normal is 1) so now it is time to see if I tolerate a higher dose of antibiotics.   As of today the Doxycycline dose was doubled. 

I feel the treatment is working, getting rid of the glasses was a big bonus, I had no idea Lyme disease could cause eye muscle issues and double vision.  I still have some eye pain here and there but in general it is consistently better and I see better without the prisms. The arthitis responded in much the same way, the back pain is still there but it is much better than before.  Hopefully this higher dose will kick the recovery into a higher gear, but I am on it until the CRP numbers drop down closer to normal.  I have to admit I am finally believing and seeing the light at the end of this chronic illness tunnel and looking forward to having my life back.  I even loaded up all my martial arts videos to get ready to use them again!

My kids are both going to WTMC in the fall, I found out on my birthday that Pierce was accepted and since they have a sibling policy Willow is also in, though all other non-resident 9th graders are going to lottery. This leaves me with the hope that I will be feeling well enough to possibly pick up a part time job somewhere next fall.  If not I will always have my new house to work on.  We started packing this week and should begin moving by the first of next month.  Things are moving right along.

I had a really rough time with my excitement over the kids getting into WTMC. I kept wanting to call my mom and Bill and tell them.  My mom would've been as excited as I was.  They both died before we had even decided to apply.  I miss them both so much sometimes it is hard to breathe, I love sleeping usually because in my dreams they are there and alive and I can see them and talk to them.  Except for the occasional nightmare like last night where I dreamt about being in their house and trying to save the cats and house. Life just seems so off sometimes and I have this feeling that they should still be here, so much so that it is hard to believe and remember they are not. I am not sure that will ever go away, sometimes it feels like the stories where I am living in an alrenate reality.  I keep moving on and living because I know that is what they both would want.  Still I wish I could share all these wonderful new developments in my life with them both.

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