Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bad couple of days

Apparently my good morning on Thursday was not an indication that I am done with the herxing.  Yesterday and today have been back to bad.  Thursday night was actually one of the worst I have had - with some numbness in my arms and heaviness making me feel like my arm was halfway asleep (like when the blood flow gets cut off).  On top of that I had a lot of trouble driving Thursday afternoon ( I didn't try in the morning), I would miss things (like the fact that that light is there and its red...) So I have given up driving until I feel better.

The worst part is I don't even know I am having FOCUSING trouble until something bad almost happens, then I realize that my reactions and memory are not up to par.  Until that happens my brain and functioning feel normal.  So no heavy machinery or cars for me for a while.  Thank goodness for a 15 year old with a permit and good driving skills.  Much safer to have him drive me around at this point.

I feel a little like I am going crazy, if I didn't feel so tired and crappy physically I be calling the doctor telling him that I need off this antibiotic.  I have done a little more research and online reading and apparently all this is not uncommon in late stage (Disseminated) Lyme disease.  I really appreciate the offers of help that I have been getting as well.  So far I haven't needed to take anyone up on them, but its nice to know I have people who care.

Ok, that's about as much as I can write today, more updates later.

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