Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Upgrading done... back to blogging :D

So I spent most of last week upgrading my laptop and my desktop to Win 7.  It went relatively smoothly all things considered but it sure sucked down my time, hence not much blogging.  I am REALLY looking forward to having a half week off, and to seeing everyone for the Thanksgiving.  It is amazing how I forgot that homeschooling is pretty much a full time job.  It is still going pretty well and we are into the swing of things again.

I am thankful for so many things this year, being able to go back to homeschooling, getting a tentative diagnosis.  It will be so nice ot be able to tell people I have AS instead of letting them think I am a hypochondriac faker (ok well only half my family thinks that but you get the picture LOL).  The biggest bonus is how much better I have been feeling after just a month on the no-starch diet and a small daily dose of Celebrex.  I am feeling like a functioning human being again.  I still have my share of pain and aches still but it is such an improvement over how I was before that I will take it!

Somedays you just have to feel that life is good, and so is God.  :)

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