Friday, November 13, 2009

Nature vs Nuture

Finding balance is hard, sometimes i wonder if my kids do not have enough responsibility because I do not.  How often do I do the easy thing because, well, it's easier.  Eating is a prime example, when I am out during the day right around lunch time it is so easy to stop and McDonald's or Wendy's and buy lunch.  I know it is not good for them, but it's easy and once in a while doesn't hurt... I guess. 

How often do I let Pierce out of punishments because keeping him grounded or listening ot him howl about the consequences of his actions is hard.  I have to be more vigilant when he is being punished, watching for him sneaking food into his room, sneaking his DS when he is grounded from it etc.  it is easier to let him off on parole for good behavior.  yes parole doesnt; work, all it is teaching him is that he can be mouthy or abusive and then get out of the punishment for it if he acts nice and helpful for a day or so. 

It all comes down to me wanting him (them) to develop self control when I have not developed it myself (in certain areas anyway - it takes a lot of self control to stick to consequences and to be consistent).  It also comes down to giving them enough without giving too much, I only hope all my prayers are answered and God helps me parent His children to the best of my ability.  And I pray that each day I am wiser and better able to deal with the day to day issues that come up.


  1. After a morning at the park I cheat for lunch and get a cup of popcorn chicken at walmart. $2 bucks covers lunch for all three of us :D

  2. wow 2 bucks is nice :D
