Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mixing up the groove...

Well we are a few months into the school year now - the biggest problem is to keep things a bit fresh and making sure we all stay motivated.  So I am always on the lookout for fun stuff and motivators.  We are doing other fun Science stuff, I let them ask me for things they want to learn about and we decide if it counts as science and if it does I let them research and study it.

We are once again having some issues with Pierce and disrespecting everyone - we are working on it by staying on top of him and explaining why we care how he treats people.  We have had to go DEEP into personal responsibility (i.e. you are ultimately responsible for how you act and we will treat you as such) and it's a constant issue. We are also having to stomp on a lot of back talk and arguing, and are teaching him how to bring up his issues and concerns with us in a less confrontational way.  All we can do is as the Verse says "train up a child in the way he should go..." and pray that  "when he is old he will not depart from it"  well that and praying a lot for guidance and protection.

School wise they are both doing really well, Willow's spelling has improved 10 fold and her writing is still amazing for a 9 year old.  Pierce is showing a lot of musical talent and we are encouraging that as well as trying to teach him about patience perseverance and practice.  They argue a bit more than they used to but I suspect it is from them being together so much of the time.  We are considering spliting them up into two different rooms for school and see how that goes.

My health is much improved, the Celebrex and No Starch Diet are working wonders.  I am not back to full functioning but I bet I am close to 50% when, before this diagnosis and treatment, the most I was ever at was about 30% and my normal was close to 20%.  I am adding things back in slowly and trying hard to realize that AS is a full system disease not just arthritis in my back and major joints. The diet has not been too bad at all, being able to have coffee and cream and coconut flour cookies has made the transition much easier.  Coconut flour really is a godsend in this situation.  Ok well that's all for now - I decided I need some coffee... LOL

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