Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To Vacation or not....

So it was nice to have a clean house for a few days - one that stayed clean LOL.  Today was my last official day of vacation, feel like I needed more time but I am also glad they are coming home.  I missed them all like crazy.  I did decide to give them Friday off of school as well, maybe we will do some fun stuff for educational purposes. 

So next week Brad heads off to Abu Dhabi again to help them develop their CERT program more.  I am not looking forward to him being gone all month, btu this could open up some more career choices for him along the way.  My cousin Sony is going to be heading over to help me out with the household stuff - I think I will try and have her do some of the running around and things I am not up for.  Maybe some laundry too if I am too tired to do it.  We will work it out when she gets here.

It has been a sad week for a couple of my friends who lost their father's and father's in Law to Cancer, and we found out that Brad's mom's breast cancer is back though not in her breast - behind her sternum from lymph node spread according to her doc.  We will know more next week when she has her oncology appointment to discuss new treatment options.  It's sad because she has been cancer free for so long.  We are praying that they can put her in remission again, and covet your prayers for her as well.

till later...

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