Monday, August 21, 2006

Still waiting...

One of the Alaska Send people was supposed to contact us about doing a vision trip up there. Two weeks and we haven't heard anything, so Brad is going to call up there today. Sometimes it is easy to feel as if this will never happen, so I just keep trusting God that if this is his will it will happen. Well that and we have to keep doing our part. We do have some paperwork we need to get back to Northridge too.

Meanwhile, last week was an up and down week physically. I felt better for the first half of the week than I have in months. (Lots of prayer and a new supplement I think!) But I did WAY too much on Thursday because I was feeling so good, and paid for it for the next 3 days. Today I am feeling better again, but because I am still struggling so much I have decided to go on The Makers Diet/GPRX. I actually eat so many of the foods on the diet anyway - my issue is that I add in all the processed stuff that does nothing but drain my energy and make me gain weight. I figure no sense in fighting pre-diabetes and Mono all at once so I need to do something good for my body. Today is day one for me and one meal in - wow I am doing great LOL. Reminds of that prayer... "Lord today I haven't lied , cheated or sinned but in a few minutes I am going to get out of bed and I will need your help a whole lot more..." I will need all the prayer and help from God that I can get - food is one of my many temptations.

I know how much difference eating right can make, Half of my crash was probably due to all the cake and ice-cream from having Willow's birthday twice with left-overs.
For now I just want to have no sense of guilt over how badly I am treating my body and eating better will go a long way toward that.

I am keeping it simple for right now, not too much fancy cooking, but as I feel better I do want to get back into cooking more - I used to love it. Most of all I just want to have energy again, and get back down to a healthier weight. Once I start to feel consistently better I may even get the go ahead from the Doc to do some light exercise. I am looking forward to having enough energy for that.

My Bible study today was actually about eating and what God has to say about it. Very good reminders about how much God really loves us, and a reinforcement for eating food as He created it.

Have a very blessed day (week if I don't write soon LOL)!

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