Monday, August 14, 2006


What a cool weekend I had, thanks to my ever cropping friend Laura I finally made it to another Creative memories crop and border making class. So of course that got me excited about getting on with my albums. I got their software to sort digital pictures and then I spent hours yesterday just sorting and editing my pictures.

As I was doing this a great sense of blessing came over me and I realized how very wonderful things in my life are. My kids are beautiful, and we have so much! Some times I feel like some of my hobbies are such time wasters, and I have to say that I do not feel that way about scrapbooking because it really is something that can bring me closer to God just by being aware of how he blesses us.

There have been some good things that have come with this dumb relapse of mono. Since I can't do much in the way of physical activity my family and I are going to start having scrapbook nights. My mom got the kids some albums and we are all (my husband included he knows I will probably never get to all those "fire buff" pictures) going to sit down a couple of times a month and work on preserving our family memories. I am really looking forward to it!

I am also going to a scrapbooking weekend Sept 22-24 and there is still room so any of you fellow scrappers get a hold of me and I can pass you the info. I think the deadline to sing up is Sept 1.

I am finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel as I slowly start to feel better, it is getting easier to do my day to day stuff. Still I am being very paranoid about how much I do and I am careful to not stress or overdo it. I have to admit it is hard and I am finding out that I am much more of a perfectionist that I thought - not to mention that in the past I have had a hard time saying no to volunteering for more things. God is teaching me to have more balance in my life, and I am guessing that I couldn't learn it the ordinary way or something...

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