Thursday, August 31, 2006

Early Morning...

Here's a new one, me up early because I can't sleep! Normally sleep and I are fast companions... LOL. Anyhow we had a wonderful talk and great worship last night and I think it has me shaken up a bit. Or maybe it was the two iced teas I drank at like 10 pm while out saying good-bye to Lisa.

Paul Black last night in his talk gave us a detailed definition on what it means to keep the greatest commandment "Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" Mk 12:30 (NIV) One of the things I find most fascinating about hearing the word of God explained to me is the fact that I have no clue what it was like in the culture back then, and pastors go out of their way to understand it so they can explain God's words in terms that help people to really get it... Well it helps me to get it anyhow!

Without repeating the whole message the summary was this
Heart = what we call will
Soul = what we call emotions
Mind= what we call thoughts
Strength = what we call body

He then challenged us to pick one area of loving God where we were particularly weak. Lately my thoughts have been the hardest for me to surrender over to God, with the bottom line being I do not spend enough time in his word recently. So today I am up early just lifting my thoughts and my emotions up with his word.

The Psalms called to me again this morning, I identify with David on so many levels.
My favorite way to read the Bible is to read it first in the NIV, a couple of times (whatever chapter I am reading), then to head over to the message version (I really need to get a parallel MSG/NIV). Anyway Psalm 25 in the Message is really cool ... I make that my prayer today...
PS 25: 1-7 (MSG)

My head is high, GOD, held high,
I'm looking to you, God,
No Hangdog skulking for me.

I've thrown in my lot with you,
You won't embarrass me, will you?
Or let my enemies get the best of me?

Don't embarrass any of us
Who went out on a limb for you.
It's the traitors who should be humiliated.

Show me how you work , God,
School me in your ways. (!!)

Take me by the hand,
lead me down the path of truth.
You are my Savior, aren't you?

Mark the milestones of your mercy and love, GOD;
Rebuild the ancient Landmarks!

Forget that I sowed wild oats;
Mark me with you sign of love.
Plan only the best for me, GOD!

Verse 7 there is my favorite... Plan only the best for me God!! Makes me glad I read the message version because NIV says this: " Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good , O LORD" PS 25:7 (NIV)
Which is still wonderful! But to read it as "Plan only the best for me," it gives me this warm feeling that my God loves me enough to answer this song, he loves all of us enough to answer us all this way. Isn't that really all we want?

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