Thursday, September 7, 2006

God's Timing

So lately I have been rather preoccupied with the fact that we do not seem to be getting any closer to heading off to the missions field. I know that this kind of thing takes time, but I am a "let's get out there" kind of person. So it has been bothering me a little bit and sometimes in my mind I start to feel like it is not real, just like all the other dreams that never came true. This Sunday something happened that reminded me that God's timing is perfect and he will use us when (and where) he is ready to!

I was at Shelly's house talking to Stacey Hoover about missions and callings. She was talking about the realization that hit her about God calling her to go somewhere. She reminded me that just because He is calling doesn't mean he will necessarily send you right now, it could be weeks months or years before he fills that calling. I sat there for a moment, and we continued talking, but over the past few days it has really sunk in.

This is a serious desire we have to go and do God's work, and I know he is calling us there. But now there is a big part of me that REALLY knows that it is on his time and not mine. So meanwhile he will use us where we are at (and maybe on some more short term mission trips!) until he is ready for us to go elsewhere. All my over-analyzing and agonizing (is he really calling us? Why isn't it happening NOW? etc...) is all for nothing because really he is doing so much in our lives right now that is good and right and where we need to be.

So my attitude is fast turning from When Lord? To Use me however you can Lord, anytime and anywhere you want!

Is 6: 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (NIV)

My prayer today is that He sends me to the exact place that I can be of most use to Him right at this very moment. And meanwhile I still get to enjoy the things He has given me to do already, singing, helping Paul, facilitating, playing my guitar, writing. I am so amazingly blessed!

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