Monday, July 10, 2006


Well today is the day I go back to the Doc and he will help me determine if the Mono is gone yet (or at least if my body is winning the battle). I am nervous because although I am feeling much better I am no where near to what I feel is me at 100%. What I am hoping is that he will tell me it is a stamina issue and I just need to go and start slowly getting back into shape.

I am becoming a little more concerned about this Colombia trip because I think it might have been the Mississippi trip that put me into the relapse because it was so busy and stressful (though absolutely a wonderful experience!). So I am actually going to tell my doctor my travel/mission plans and see what he says. I have my Support letter done and I will sending/giving them out as soon as I get his verdict.

On a different note our second prayer meeting for our full time missions journey went well. We can still use some more people on our prayer team so email me if you are feeling called to pray for us regularly and I will give you the information on our next meeting.

In the meantime here is what we are focusing our prayer on:
1) Where is God calling us to go?
2) Financial guidance and provision to pay off our debt so we will be free to go.
3) Continued help in finding the right agency to partner with.
4) My health, that I would return to full strength and be able to be active again.

We are considering that we might be called to Alaska, but so far we have not found an agency up there who will take divorced people as missionaries. So pray that if Alaska is where God wants us that he will show us the way!

Recommended book of the week:

"Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller

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