Monday, July 10, 2006

Morning Musings

I have a another quick Caesar story that led to an observation about God. Every morning when I get up I head to the computer to check email. Caesar must hear me tapping on the keys from the other end of the house because he invariably shows up - jumping on my lap to demand attention. He will rub and push at me and purr and make sure that I can't do any typing until I have petted and loved on him for a while.

God is not like that, he will not beg for our attention, or block us from our keyboards until we find some love for Him. He is simply there waiting quietly for us to remember and make it a priority to spend time with Him in prayer and in His word. It is so easy in this busy world to miss out on God time, I know I have been guilty of it way too often. Sitting down and reading the Bible is not somethign that comes as easily to me as praying all day. So it's nice to have my cat to remind me as I sit at my computer, have I given my attention to God today?

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