Monday, June 19, 2006

Long Time, No Post

Busyness creeps up on me fairly quickly - I can see how Satan can use it. Good thing God can use it too, because mostly I have been busy for him.

The missionary road is going pretty well, I am scheduled to go to Bogota, Columbia from Aug 16-23 with the Women's Ministry at NRC, we will be going down to be helpers to Fran Lingo as she and her ladies have a weekend ladies retreat. I am really looking forward to it and even brushing up on my never-used, long-studied spanish.

We have our long term prayer team mostly in place (but there is always room for more prayer warriors - email me if you want to help) we will be inviting them here this Friday at 7 pm for our monthly meeting. We have been doing so much better since they have been in place. It is like we now have this shield up over our family and our lives that keeps Satan from messing us up as badly as he wants to.

We have narrowed our search (for now!) to three partner agencies, ABWE, WorldVenture, and SIM. We are in process with all of them and also filling out our paper work for NRC to go through their side of things. Becoming a misionary takes a lot of patience and a lot of research, anyone who wanted it to happen *right now* would give up pretty quickly. We are ready to beging the application process and we are looking at 1 - 1.5 years before we are able to head out into the field just trainign wise. That does not include the time we will need to put together our financial support.

Meanwhile things are going well in our lives, Brad is submitting himself up for consideration as Deputy Chief at Dearborn Fire. He may not have enough years in, but pray for him about that. It would be a great position for him and he would be very good at it. First and foremost pray for God's will!

I am tired - been working all morning trying to catch up on all the house cleaning I missed while I was running around last week. So off to put up my feet and rest for a few. I just wanted to get updated before I forgot!

Oh one side note - my health is better, I was diagnosed with a mono-relapse (and not something worse - Praise God!). With Prayer, some anti-viral medicine and some immune supplements I am feeling a lot better. I go back to the doctor in about 3 weeks for a recheck and too see how it is going. I woudl like to be full strength and getting back into some semblance of fitness by the Bogota trip.

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