Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mission Update

Well things are becoming clear in regards to the mission work. We have started feeling God calling us to a place - Alaska! We had a few issues at first since SEND International is the one who is in Alaska and they do not accept divorced people as partners. But it turns out that SEND Alaska is a little different - they are from SEND but they will work with people who do not go through the international. Sort of a little branch all to themselves. (A special thanks to Leslie Tousley who helped us figure all this out!) Brad talked to the Leader up there in Alaska and he is going to work with us on partnering with them up there. It will probably be another 1-3 years in the making depending on how long it takes us to raise support and get all the training done.

SEND Alaska has a medical clinic and a Bible School that they run up there, so it sounds like we will be able to use skills we already have to do this. It is pretty exciting! The leader up there talked about us coming up for a *vision trip* so that will be our next big goal - to head up there and see what they do and if we really are feeling the call to be up there. That will be wonderfula nd we plan on taking the whole family - kids and all.

We did miss our prayer meeting this month, it has been a hectic short month, I have to get off my bum and schedule one for next month so that we don;t go without our much needed prayer protection! Please continue to pray for us as we are expecting Satan to come a little harder against us now that we are moving in a solid direction of where to go.

My health is slowly improving, I am learning to rest and pace myself. The depression sometimes gets to me, feeling tired all the time makes me feel lazy and useless but good friends and my husband have been able to help keep me in good spirits. I am having a pretty nice restful summer over all, though I have had to say no to some invitations I would have liked to accept. Still it is worth it to get this virus under control for good!

On the sad yet wonderful side - Ed Horn went to be with Jesus this past Monday. He will be so much missed - but what joy he must be feeling right now worshiping in heaven! Please pray for those he left behind.

Have a wonderful day!

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