Thursday, May 4, 2006

Satan's Arrows

Paul Black did a talk at church on Spriritual Warfare a couple of Wednesdays ago. In it he listed out some things that were the fiery arrows that the enemy shoots at us. Things like doubt, lust, loneliness, jealousy, rejection, guilt/shame, greed, unforgiveness, anger, discouragement, pride, complaining. That talk stuck in my head because some of the things listed I had never thought of as an attack, and several of them were things very much issues in my life. Satan works in so many ways and he wants very much for us to not see that it is the work of him and his demons.

I have been so blessed by the Armor All series on Wednesday nights, (if you want to hear it click on the Northrige church link - they have a section where you can listen to past talks) it has made getting ready to be missionaries easier than it would have been.

If I were not so aware of the roadblocks the enemy wants to throw at us and the fact that he wants to do everything in his power to keep us from going out and telling more people about Jesus, I might think that it was God who was trying to stop us. The fact is that deep down I know it is not God, because when I get with God and think about our future or when I get with other believers and talk about it, I feel nothing but peace and excitement. It is when the enemy gets me alone or when things in my life are not what I want them to be that the doubts creep in.

This week has been full of arrow's for me, loneliness, self-doubt, discouragment, health issues, pets geting sick, friends with cancer and other serious problems. But through it all when I find a quiet minute to sit down, God is there and He is so good! I can feel Him watching over me and my family, I can see Him answering prayers in my life and other's lives. His love surrounds me like a warm thick blanket on the coldest night and I know His love endures forever. He loves me and He has called us to be missionaries. All we have to do is trust and keep hanging onto Him.

As this week winds down, my cat is still alive and eating a bit more, my dog is healthier than I thought, my husband is coming home from his convention, the bills for this week are paid, I feel good (if a little tired), and God is still guiding us. I know he will take care of us and take us to better places than we would ever go on our own. And my faith continues to grow.

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