Tuesday, May 9, 2006

God is so present and active!

Just the other day as Satan was having at me with his bow and arrows, I felt so alone. I cried out to God "How can I ever do this missionary thing if I can't even handle my day to day life?" I was doubting, and I have come to the place where I feel like what he is asking me to do is impossible. Not that I do not want to do it, but that I am not equipped or able. The amazing thing is that I am not able or equipped. Therefore in order to do this, HE has to work through me. Surrender is becoming a daily word for me. Still in the midst of the "where is God" crisis I was having along comes a phone call from a friend that makes me feel like God is almost jumping up and down in front of my face and yelling "Here I am".

How far He has brought me in my life, I am so changed that many of my family do not even know me anymore. He took all the brokenness and shame and turned it into a heart for Him. I am learning more and more each day how to love and just how much God's heart does break when we hurt ourselves. He is the parent that can see everything we do in every sordid detail. Yet he still loves us, calls us and gives us hope and healing. Most of all he commissions us to take that hope to others, so how can we not do what He is asking?

What impossible thing is God asking of you today?

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