Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Velvet Elvis and life changes

Every once in a while I come across a book that rocks my world. "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell is one such book. I had heard about it from several people and once or twice as a quote from the stage by a pastor at church. So yesterday I finally got around to reading it and it is an amazing book! God's timing is perfect and he alwasy leads me to where I need to be right when I need to be there, I am hoping to have time to finish the book today and then reread it a few times so my slow brain can absorb all the mind boggling concepts. If you want to hear about how the Bible is a Living Breathing work of God - this is the book for you! Ok enough raving on that, at the risk of going into a full book report LOL.

The next thing that I have to tackle is this prediabetes that is trying to sneak up on me. Since Febrary I have been doing a lot better, I cut out 90% of my sugar and white flour intake and my blood sugar levels have actually come down way back closer to normal. I also lost a few pounds without even trying so that was a bonus. I am feeling better and my energy levels are back up to medium from low, but I know I can feel better and get to the place where one birthday celerbation with cake and icecream does not shoot my blood sugar up by 40 points, and have me falling asleep 30 mins later. My doctor told me exactly what I need to do (and lets be honest - I already knew this!) Lose weight, stay off the "whites". No white sugar (in any form), no white flour, no white rice or white potatoes. So I am mostly off the whites (except for the occasional Monster Mocha or celebration dessert), but the losing weight thing is not coming to easily. I need to get back to being active - it's times like these when I REALLY miss my TaeKwon Do class that kept me in much better shape than I have been in for the past 2 years.

Unfortunately TKD is not an option for several reasons right now, so I need to get up and get moving in some other ways. I also need to stay motivated diet wise. It is easier to be good when I feel the effects of being bad and can watch my blood sugar shoot up. Now that I have that more under control and stabilized it is easier to say - well one little (whatever) won't hurt me. I know so much about diet and exercise and I have such a hard time putting it into practice! So what I am doing is one step at a time. Step number one maintain the healthy diet, step number 2 move and walk daily. Going to hit up my neighbor who offered to go walking with me, and sometimes be able to go by myself and just enjoy the day. Then after I do that for a bit I will add back in some of my TKD at home, I always want to use the excuse that I need a class to practice, but after 7+ years of training I know more than enough to be able to train at home. Plus we even have a target right in our living room for me to hit and kick. I am fast running out of excuses here!

The other thing I am doing is drumming up some friendly support, Brad (the hubby) asked me why I do not join a group for weight loss and I answered him truthfully, because a bunch of strangers do not know me enough to know when to push my buttons and help me get and stay motivated, plus it is easy just to fade away and go back to my old habits. I need friends who see me and are with me and willing to keep me challenged and supported. I am hoping I can get some friendly support and maybe even some pals who want to go on this weight loss journey with me. I even have gone back to my naturalnut cooking and food preparation habits, and even my kids are happy about it - they love my raw milk caspian sea yogurt with honey and berries :) I love it (without the honey) though I am having trouble making enough of it for all of us.

Anyway I have put it out there now - you all know that I want to lose the weight and be free of the type 2 diabetes spectre looming in my future as much as possible. If nothing else, just keep me in your prayers! So its off to move and then spend some more time in my latest book find - you all have a wonderful day.

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