Monday, April 17, 2006

Post Easter thoughts

What an amazing weekend, Easter at NRC was quite an event this year, and I am so glad to have been a part of it. The services were packed and I got to serve God doing what I love to do - singing and socializing! I am still feeling lifted up from a weekend spent with friends, and fellow Christians praying, talking, playing and just plain enjoying each others company.

The more time I spend with believers the more I know it is crucial for us to be together to lift each other up and just to enjoy the company. No one understands or accepts me the way my church family does. I feel compelled to grow and become a better person when I see God's view of me reflected in their eyes and their words. I can feel God's love pouring into me through other believers and I know it gives me extra love to spread around everywhere I go.

I did get my guitar, and I even managed to find time to play it daily and work on my finger calluses so learning will go faster and less painfully. I am looking forward to the day I can play and sing my first song. Fred was great about helping me find the right guitar - he must've played 10 different ones then replayed the 4 or 5 I really liked until I finally settled on a Taylor Big Baby. It's small but still has a nice full sound and the neck and strings fit my hands well. I like to think it is a really good fit for me.

The Mission research is going really well, we have about half of our prayer group asked and willing to help us as well as a multitude of others who are already praying for us. A really funny thing happened to me this weekend as I was talking with a friend about being a full time missionary he looked at me and said " you know God will bless you for doing hsi work liek that" I didn't know how to respond becuase to tell you the truth I hadn't even thought about being any more blessed than I already have been. I look back at my life 10 years ago and I see a completely different person than I am now - and my pastors favorite saying applies so much to me... "every good thing in my life has come from the moment I chose to accept and live for Jesus" It is so true! Jesus has turned my life around and blessed me in so many ways already, none of which I deserve.

Thank you Lord that you loved me enough to watch your only son die in such a horrible way so that I might become a child of yours also.

Special prayer requests today:
For the Bettingers - Carrie for her kidney stones, and both babies for good growth and steady progress in becoming big enough to go home.
For the Horns - in their continuing fight against Ed's cancer - prayer that his remission will continue and he will recover his strength and health quickly after his recent Chemotherapy.
For Paul Black as he prepares to give a talk this Wednesday on Spiritual Warfare.

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