Thursday, March 6, 2014

Getting ready and misc news.

So my week has consisted of research and more research on Lyme disease, I never looked at it before because my original test for it came back negative 8 years ago (come to find out the test that was done is usually negative and misses about 75% of cases).  I will be really happy to get rid of this arthritis and body aches and pains and get off the Celebrex, though not looking forward to the possible Herxheimer reaction that looms once I start the antibiotics.  I feel like I will be taking a million pills a day, many of which are supplements to help with killing off all the forms of the bacteria.  

The scary part is the late stage Lyme problems.  When caught early Lyme is easily treatable, but since it has been multiplying and digging in for 8+ years it may take me a while to actually get rid of it.  I am going to do everything possible though, eating right, sleeping enough and taking the extra supplements that can help. Any progress is good. There is finally a light at the end of this tunnel and its so good to have a diagnosis.

On the non-health front, I found a charter school the kids want to go to, WTMC (Washtenaw Technical Middle College).  Their applications are in, but because we do not live in Washtenaw County chances of them getting in are low.  On the up-side they do have some chance by the lottery system that they use for non-residents.  Either way we will keep applying next year if they do not make it in and I will see if I can get them on the wait list.  Its just getting to the point that I feel a bit inadequate and it is time for them to experience some higher level classrooms.  The regular Public schools down here do not offer anything they are really interested in so I will also be looking at some college courses for Pierce next year if he doesn't get into WTMC.  Plus the thought of actually having some days to myself is pretty much heavenly.

No one ever told me when I signed up for this mom stuff that I am not allowed vacations or time off hehe.  My kids are wonderful, I am so proud of how they have grown and learned, and how well behaved they actually are.  But, I still need some time for me here and there!  Must be time for another escape weekend soon.

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