Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Making some changes

Now that I am finally getting some semblance of energy and life back I need some major changes.  For seven years I have been focused on just making it through the day, doing whatever I can when I have the energy.  I am finding that is not working for me anymore, but the amount of stuff I have to catch up on is overwhelming.

So I am taking today to try and set some goals, organize my wants, makes some lists of things that need to be done then I am going to slowly tackle it one task at a time one day at a time.  Some changes I have already made, which is good, I do laundry almost daily as well as kitchen clean-up and I put stuff away as I walk by.  I have been decluttering for 15 minutes a day pretty regularly other than on the weekends and I am seeing some progress there. I have been tracking my food on myfitnesspal.com so I am aware of what I am eating and to help me lose a little more weight.

Some other things I am considering:
1. Get rid of Facebook.  I use it to feel like I am connected to people and know what is going on in their lives, but really it seems to keep me from any real interaction.  Granted sometimes I still have problems mood wise and I am still a bit of a hermit, but I don't think social media is the answer for this. Not sure how to handle it honestly.
2. Stop with online video games.  Now that I have some energy I no longer need to play video games for fun (and I find they are not very fun anymore anyhow), I can find real life fun stuff to do. This is actually more of a happening now thing than a consideration, but since I have spent so much time in the past seven years playing I figured it deserved a mention.
3. Get a part time job.  This one would be for later once my med levels are pretty secure and I can reliably have energy enough to be able to work 4-6 hours at a time.  It is also highly dependent on being able to find a place who would be able to use me only one or two days a week.

For today though I need a plan, something slow and steady, not too ambitious but measurable just the same.

Going to start with some ebay selling.  I have some old D&D books that need to be sold, and also I am going to list some of my crochet and paracord creations on Etsy.  I think if they sell I will have motivation to make more and a way to support my yarn habit as well. Plus if Brad gets either of the 2 jobs he is applying for we will be moving soon and I need to empty out this house to make moving even possible. 

And I am going to pick one room or small area of the house to deep clean every day with a 30 minute time limit. this will be in addition to the 15 minutes of decluttering daily and I do not have to do them in the same room or area either, though sometimes that may happen anyway.

Ok. Off to actually get some of this done.

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