Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The side effects of feeling better

There are several downfalls to finally feeling better, the first one is that I have to take so many hormone supplements just to stay productive I am feeling like a walking drug store.  Between the Hydro-cortisone, Florinef, DHEA/Testosterone, progesterone cream and all the vitamins and mineral supplements that are helping, I have to actually have reminders to take everything. I am hoping that eventually my adrenals will heal some and I will be able to go off some of the meds, but honestly I do not expect that for a long time (if ever) because even at 45mg of Cortef a day I still feel like I can use more. I just want to stay at the lowest possible dose for now and only move up if I am starting to have more bad days in a row or now be able to do the day to day stuff I am currently handling.

Its also like waking up from a long sleep, I suddenly realize that I have no long term goals anymore because before I was doing my best just to get through each day.  I do not do much out of the house and I have very few friends (none that I talk to daily). So as I am rebuilding my health I find that I also have to rebuild my life and in the process re-purpose it and find some new dreams and goals.This is actually a very daunting task, I feel like a teenager again "So Kelly, what DO you want to do with your life now?" and at this point I have no answer for that.  I read a lot and make little daily goals, spend time enjoying my husband and kids for the first time in years and dream of where we want to be in the future.  With that on a daily basis and a lot of prayer I think my feet will get started on the right path and my eyes will be able to see where I need to go from here.

On an unrelated note eating is becoming a problem again, now that the pain and IBS is gone I find myself being drawn to all the foods that got me there in the first place, popcorn, french fries, hot dogs on buns, cookies and all the stuff I have not been able to eat for the past 2 and a half years. This is a little bit easier of an obstacle because once I eat the bad food I feel crappy the next day so its a good reminder! Still an indulgence here and there is probably not a bad thing for my mental health so I will give in and have a few fries or a handful of popcorn every once in a while.

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