Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nothing like Homeschooling to make me feel inadequate...

I was reading Kelley G's blog yesterday and I can relate!  When my kids went to school they got bored and just coasted along and I felt like they learned very little.  The school district here teaches to the median, and it is easy for kids to slip through the cracks. above and below that middle part.  But then again I constantly question myself - am I really doing a good job?

Some days I feel like I am just stumbling along, and some days I have to look up things on Google to be able to answer their questions.  So many things I have forgotten over the years.  Most of all I worry that I will not be enough.  I am so very happy they are not being "socialized" in the school atmosphere with the bullying and popular culture, and so worried that I will miss teaching them something important along the way.

I want to teach them to dream big and work hard for what they want, two things I think I failed to do though most of my life.  I also want to teach them to believe in themselves, something I still struggle with to this day.

One thing I know though, I love my kids and I am trying hard because I love them.  There is no one in the public school system who could claim that.  So I think they have a better chance with my inadequacies than they do with the public school system.

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