Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Taking back Christmas...

After years and years of traveling from relatives house to relatives house and never really have any Christmas of our own we have decided that it is time for us to start learning how to relax and enjoy Christmas again.  This is the first year I have felt well enough to care about Christmas in 4 years so it's very important to me.  We decided that we will not travel this year but stay home and make some Christmas traditions and momories that have been missing in our lives for a while.

Christmas Eve will be a time for preparation and prayer, reading the Christmas story to each other from the Bible.  Then maybe we will go see the light show on Hines drive.  Christmas day will be family time, get up eat a nice breakfast together, then open gifts.  The kids will have time to play while Brad and I prepare a Christmas dinner, food we can all eat and some specials treats for even me.  The we will sit and give thanks to God for the birth of his Son at a prettily decorated table full of God's wonderful bounty.  After dinner we will pick a Christmas movie and all fill up our bed and watch it.

Sounds boring and mundane - I know, but after so many years of trying to juggle going to 2 different houses - rushing around trying to remember to bring everything and of knowing there will be barely any food Pierce and I can eat (he went on No-starch voluntarily and his allergies are at an all time low) so we have to bring our own food on top of everything else.  We wanted to slow down and enjoy the holiday.  We do plan on visiting the relatives in the week between Christmas and new Years and having a nice relaxed visit.  It makes me happy just thinking about it.

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