Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is Glenn Beck right?

So I have been watching Glenn Beck after reading one of his books that I got on Fictionwise (I hadn't really heard much about him before that but his book looked interesting so I bought it).  I have heard both sides of the argument now (because before I saw him all I hard about was how what was happening was really GOOD for us). 

I have to admit I think Glenn is hitting it right on.  I really wish he did it with some less nastiness but I guess some people like that and respond to it.  Myself I would rather just hear the facts and see the clips.  But honestly, I was scared about our freedoms before I started watching him and now I am terrified.  I think the current administration really is trying to socialize our country and I am not OK with that.  I LIKE my freedoms and I like the fact that I can vote with my money as well as with my government.  The internet Neutrality things worries me - I hope we are still allowed to keep paying for our internet ourselves if we choose so I can have truly free speech.  I don't think government controlled internet is a good thing... Take a look at China...and that's where they want us to go.  Anyhow it is something to think about.

On a different note any of you out there who are parents might want to read NutureShock by Po Bronson & another person I forget her name.  It is a WONDERFUL summary of a lot of the current research in child development and some of the things are surprising and even a bit shocking.  One of the best parts of it to me was the support for idea behind the Robinson Curriculum and Accelerated Achievement style of school for truly developing intelligent and self motivated children.  It also supports letting kids sleep later and getting more sleep.  The book is really interesting... get it if you have the chance!

It's looking more and more like I will be living in the UAE for 2-3 years.  They offered Brad a pretty nice contract and we just need to finalize the housing and get the contract in writing.  With any luck the contract will be signed this week before he leaves to come home on Sunday (Yay for Sunday!).  It's exciting and scary at the same time the thought of living in another country but it is something that I have always wanted to do.  I just wish I was not so sick so I could really dig in and enjoy it more.

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