Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Already?

Wow the weekend went by so fast I am petty sure it never happened...  My dad came over yesterday and we had a great visit, I really enjoy talking to him, the more I talk to him the more I see how much he passed down to me.  It's nice to know I have someone who understands me so well.  I sent him home with my older computer so sometime in the next month or two he should wind up online then we will get him hooked up on Facebook and everything else. 

Brad spent a lot of Sunday revamping our *basement* room into a usable classroom and empting off the day bed of junk so I can use it.  The idea is for me to be able to be comfortable during the day while I do school with the kids.  I moved my lapdesk in here and am using the laptop to work on.  The kids have their work table set up in here and there is even enough room on the floor for the dogs to hang out too, which of course they do so they are sure not to miss anything.

I am continuing to tweak the curriculum, we added Latin and started Science, I got a full set of 1958 Encyclopedia Britannica in a nice shelf with an atlas included.  The Atlas may be a bit outdated but it will be usable for us.  I am letting them pick their own subjects in Science, within the list of subjects I have that are age appropriate for the curriculum.  Pierce picked Nuclear energy and radioactivity and Willow chose Climates and seasons. The Latin we decided to go with is getting started with Latin, it is very simple and the lessons are short and once you buy the cheap book all the downloads and MP3's recording and such are free.  So far we like it a lot and all three of us are doing it.

We have settled on a pretty good schedule and I change it weekly as necessary.  Next week they have 4 days off while they are at Kalahari, should be fun for them and a nice quiet break for me.  I plan on seeing what movies are out and spending a lot of time doing nothing or doing simple things for me.  It is nice to be able to make our own schedules. 

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