Thursday, September 17, 2009

Laying down the law...

So I mistakenly thought that Pierce would be my biggest challenge for homeschooling.  Willow is actually giving me much more grief because she wants to go back to public school because it is easier and more fun. So today I laid down the law.  I pretty much told her, you are not going back to public school.  I did not give her any reasons, I did not try to placate her (as I have been doing).  I just told her that she needs to make the best of it and try to have fun learning here. 

One of her favorite tricks is to try and get out of work in any way shape or form possible.  Today she wanted to start making lunch early becuase she wanted to make a fruit salad and it would take more than 15 minutes (we all take turns making lunches call it home ec class... and they get to take 15 minutes of school time for it).  I told her we have 30 minutes to eat lunch as well so you can use some of that time, now finish your spelling.  She sighed and got back to work.  We spent so much time working on Pierce's bad attitudes that it is time to start giving Willow's some attention in that area.

On a positive note I did order her a recorder and some books so we can add some music lessons in since Pierce is taking Trombone.  I told her when she is 10 (a year earlier than Pierce LOL) she can pick any instrument and we will see that she gets lessons.  For science today we also looked in our counter-top vege scrap pot that Brad buries in the garden to compost.  It was pretty cool.  It has grown a lot of mold and looks like someone tossed in a big bunch of fresh cotton. So when someone tells me my kitchen is a science experiment I can agree with them LOL.

Looking forward to Brad being home tomorrow - when he is gone I get worn out so quickly, I just can't keep up with the daily work of school, meals and laundry.  I am looking forward to Saturday off to do as little as possible, and Sunday too maybe though if I can rest up enough and feel halfway decent we might risk the Ren Fest.

We are gearing up for Brad's next trip to Abu Dhabi in October and I need to hire someone to come in and help me a few days a week, maybe do the shopping, laundry and watch the kids just to give me time to rest.  Going to post on FB to see if maybe someone who is out of work wants to do it part time.  We are praying a lot about him accepting a longer term contract over there, they have offered it to him and he will be negotiating it while he is over there.  I think it would be really cool to live overseas for a couple years, and it would be great for the kids too.  Then the whole family would take Arabic too. 

So next month we will know more about whether or not that will happen.  I may have to stay here for a while while he finds a place for us to live in which case I would need to hire someone again, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.  I have to go have all the autoimmune tests run again next week and after the results are in my Doc is sending me off to a Rhumatologist to see if he can find out what is causing my C-Reactive protein to stay so high and keep me so knocked down. Speaking of which time to go lay down and rest, since school is done for the day - Yippee!

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