Friday, February 2, 2007

A Season of Changes...

I figured I would stick with the season theme even though it has been well over a month since I updated. I really got sick of my down and depressing Blog's so I wanted to wait until I had some good stuff to share.

This past month has been a bit rough. At the end of December I found out my bloodwork was still bad, in fact it was worse than Novemeber's and I had been doing everything I was supposed to do. So the Doctor put me on another medicine last month and told me to continue resting. At first it was horrible, I felt as bad as I did when this all started but after about a week of taking it I noticed I was doing better. The last 2 weeks have been good, I have been doing wonderfully and feeling a bit more like myself.

I also took a vacation (alone) to CT to visit some friends of mine and I had 5 days of nothing but rest, and doing what I wanted to do. It was a revelation to me because I realized how hard things have been for me just doing the day to day jobs that are mine, Homeschooling, house cleaning, and volunteering at church.

On top of new medicine and a vaction, for the past 2.5 weeks I have had the most wonderful group of people praying for me and asking about me and I have not felt so loved in a long time. Choir, you all have been my family for a while now and I am so glad you are - you guys ROCK :). I can feel your love and your prayers and it humbles me.

Anyway I have faced that I need to make some changes and see if I can find a way to get some joy and energy back in my life. Which leads me to the first big change. We have decided to put our kids into public school just to give me some time to breathe. I have been with my kids pretty much non-stop 24/7 for the past 6 years and it has drained me. So today I took them and registered them at Salem Elementary where they will be in class with their friends starting on Monday. I am terrified and excited all at the same time, and I pray it will all go really well.

I have been worried about this decision because for so long I have *known* I was supposed to homeschool and no it has suddenly changed. A good friend of mine reminded me recently while praying for me that " God is not in the decisions, He is in your life." I am feeling peace about this big step and, though I wish it was not needed, I know it really is.

So that is the cliff notes for now - I will try and write again soon(er)!

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